
PM – This house believes that criminal justice policy should be...

Opening Elected representatives have long played politics to blur the practical aims of the criminal justice system of creating safer societies. Don’t let them make...

This House Supports Filial Responsibility Laws

Ashish Kumar, 2016 HWS Round Robin Check the video here. Opening There is something genuinely bizarre happening in the status quo. If you're a child and your...
This House Believes That Western Liberal Democracies Should Impelement A Competency-based System of Legal Rights (Positive)

This House Believes That Western Liberal Democracies Should Impelement A Competency-based...

Definition Western Liberal Democracies are defined as countries in the Europe. Competency based system is a system where citizens must pass a mental capacity test to...

Except When There Is A Clear Threat to National Security, This...

Or ignore the first part of the wording of the motion, in order to make interpreting this debate more simply. …or maybe not. …..but maybe also...

International Relations

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